in Ride Reports

Purbeck Spring Gravel Grind

60km of Purbeck's beauty - climbs, scenic views and a sausage roll.

I rolled out around 7am, my gravel bike humming as it devoured the first miles. Purbeck, with its ever-changing landscapes, awaited my 60km exploration. Spring had definitely sprung, and that meant water – lots of it. Flooded roads became a recurring obstacle, some sections reaching a depth that tested my bottom bracket.


Despite the damp, the verdant forests were a sight to behold. Lush greens stretched as far as the eye could see, a refreshing counterpoint to the occasional puddle.

The undisputed highlight was Ridgehill. This climb wasn't just challenging, it led to a hidden gem – Grange Arch. Perched on the ridge, the arch offered panoramic views that stretched for miles. A fantastic reward for the effort.

The route continued with a leg between East Creech and Corfe Castle. Here, the forest path became a gloriously muddy adventure. My tires (and maybe myself) got a good clean, but the laughter and challenge were worth every squelch.

Reaching the charming village of Corfe Castle, I refueled at the bakery with a delicious sausage roll. But I wasn't done yet. After tackling another set of hills south of the Purbeck Way, I finally reached Knoll Beach, the perfect spot to devour my well-deserved prize. The warm sausage roll, savored with a view of the coastline, was pure bliss.


Village Bakery

The ride back was pure pleasure. A tailwind of 20mph practically propelled me along the flats, eliminating the need for much pedaling. With the wind in my hair and the taste of adventure lingering, I arrived at the ferry feeling accomplished and ready for my next Purbeck exploration.

Now, the only challenge remaining? Cleaning all the mud from my bike... and myself! Looks like a good scrub and a celebratory post-ride beverage are on the agenda.